Vertical Carvings:
Monastic Seclusion and Artistic Urban Expression
Some fundamental questions that emerge in making
a modern-day vertical monastery in Atlampa of Mexico City: How does the
monastery’s vertical surfaces contribute to the neighborhood? How do we make a
secluded monastic society that also feels connected to the outside? How to
programmatically organize a monastery to be vertical?
My project proposes a modern-day vertical monastery that integrates
sculptural forms at a city scale, transforming monastic seclusion with formal
carvings that open the monastic society to its urban, social, and artistic
contexts. This monastery fosters a secluded yet socially engaged community,
centered around a vertical cloister that bridges contemporary monastic life
with the urban environment through the communal creation of mural art.
Year: 2024 Spring
Course: Arch Option Studio
Instructor: Marlon Blackwell
1 Semester